Royal Solutions has partnered with Ziprad to streamline order entry

Royal Solutions has partnered with Ziprad to streamline order entry

Referring physicians can now print orders directly from their EHR without the need for faxing, expensive, resource intensive HL7 implementations and without having to re-enter information into a different portal.


1. Print order and supporting documents from your EHR directly into
    Royal Solutions using the ZipRad print driver.

2. Answer guided prior authorization questions specific to the requested study.

3. Transmit prior authorization request to Payer or Benefits Manager.

     Staff love the ease of entering orders and reduced “call backs” from Imaging  
     Centers for additional Pre-Authorization Information. Now, by simply
     downloading a print driver, referring physicians can employ the ZipRad
     artificial intelligence engine and directly transmit orders into RoyalMD®.
ZipRad provides an elegant decision support engine to better ensure referring physicians provide the appropriate supporting notes, documents and clinical support for pre-authorization. Royal Solutions and ZipRad have also incorporated single sign on capability and the ability to attach patient charts directly to orders in the Royal Solutions platform.

About Royal Solutions Group, White Plains, NY

Royal, headquartered in White Plains, NY, is a leading provider of services and customized software to the health care industry. Royal's suite of solutions, focus on patient, provider and operational workflows, optimizing engagement in all areas of a patient exam life cycle. Solutions include: RoyalPay® for insurance verification, estimation, prior authorization and streamlined payment processing; Royal Kiosks™ for patient pre-registration, paperless on-site registration, access and engagement; RoyalMD® for complete practice and referral management; Royal Alerts™ for robust messaging and notifications; Report Guard® for encryption, connectivity, and interoperability services.


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